Fine Art School Portraits

School Portraits Parents


Book Your School Session

- Timeless portraits
- Authentic expressions
- Tailored experience

Fine Art School Portraits give parents a collection of high quality, timeless photographs that TRULY showcase your child just as you see them!  I am exclusively a children's photographer so I specialize in capturing a child's authentic personality.  And as a mom, I cherish photographs that safeguard the little details my children will soon outgrow.  With quality printed products, galleries that include color and black and white options and high resolution digital images for future printing and archiving, families will cherish their portraits.  Let's create something special together!

What ARE Fine Art School Portraits?


There is no cost for Pre-Schools & Daycares!  We'll pick a date that works for both of us, meet briefly prior to photo-day to discuss plans and that's it! 
Schools pay for nothing!

A Tailored and Hassle-Free Experience
I work with a few select schools so I can provide a truly exceptional experience that perfectly fits your school's needs.

Communication From Start to Finish
I provide a preparation guide, complete with style suggestions andFAQ's, along with ordering instructions, prior to photo day. Throughout the process, I also handle any questions from parents about photo day and ordering.

Dedicated Website for Your School
I create an unlinked website specifically for your school for all families to access- providing them the important information they need to know before and after photo day.  

Private Password Protected Viewing Gallery
Every family receives their own password-protected viewing gallery to purchase prints and download digital images.

Online Ordering
Families order only what they want!  All orders are done online and there's no order forms to hold on to or send in!


How to get started!

The Cost:

There is no cost to the school!  Schools do not pay anything and parents only purchase what they love. 

My rates are competitive and I offer a wonderful selection of print & digital collections that fit a wide range of budgets, along with a la carte print and digital options.  

10% of gross profits is donated back to the school!

Simply fill out the contact form below and submit it to me and I'll reach out to you so we can discuss your school!  I look forward to talking with you!


Fill out the form below and I'll be in touch within 1 business day! 

thank You! i'll be in touch shortly.