Grapevine Newborn Photographer: What to Expect at Your Session

As a Grapevine Newborn Photographer, my clients always ask me what happens during their Newborn Portrait Session. Here’s a complete overview of the feel, the process, and answers to the most common questions so you feel confident going into your newborn session!

How long is a Newborn Portrait Session?

At Kimberly Gerfin Photography, I give you and your baby as much time as we need for a successful session and typically, this can be anywhere from 1.5 hours to 3 hours. Some babies need extra cuddles, feedings or additional diaper changes. All of this is expected and I’ve built in plenty of time so your little one can get all of the love he or she needs to feel extra comfortable! Feeding your baby right when you arrive at my studio is another great way to ensure your baby’s comfort- your newborn will be full and sleepy which also helps keep the session moving along!

What happens when we arrive for our Newborn Portrait Session?

My beautiful and peaceful home studio is so comfortable and I designed it especially for newborn moms. As soon as you arrive and settle in, here’s an outline of what happens next:

  • Mom will begin feeding in my private feeding room, complete with a comfortable rocking chair, a Boppy, outlets for breast pumps and a fully stocked changing table with diapers, wipes and creams,.
  • After the feeding, Mom’s special pampering begins! My incredible Hair and Makeup artist will help Mom feel her very best while I’ll begin the preparations for the session. We’ll review our plan, I’ll answer any questions you may have and I’ll start changing your baby into a new white diaper and soft white wrap.
  • While Mom is still getting pampered, I’ll begin photographing your baby with siblings and Dad and Mom will join in once she’s ready. After this, I’ll start photographing the precious pictures with just baby which means this is your time to relax, read a magazine, nap, or just enjoy these special memories.
  • After the session, we’ll schedule your Reveal and Ordering Appointment for roughly 2 weeks from your session date.

What ifs….

My Grapevine newborn photography clients often worry about the what ifs….what if my baby doesn’t sleep, what if he cries the whole time, what if she has a big poop, what if our other children are included in the session…

Don’t worry- your newborn session will be a wonderful success because none of these “what ifs” are new to me and below, I’ll explain how I am prepared for all of them!

My Solutions…

  • Crying babies need food, a diaper change or snuggles and between you and me, we can take care of all of those things so your baby WILL settle down and I’ll get beautiful photographs of your little one!
  • If your baby is still stays awake after the feeding and wrap, we’ll get wonderful connection photographs with siblings or Mom and Dad and then move to the sleepy pictures afterwards.
  • Babies poop- they just do! So I have plenty of diapers and wipes and extra clothes and a big hamper for all of the soiled laundry. Poop is expected and completely ok!
  • Sibling portraits with your newborn are some of my favorites and whether your other children are young or old, I have wonderful options for including them in the session. Plus, afterwards, there is a fantastic pond and green space behind my studio so a parent can watch them while they run and explore as I continue photographing your baby.

I hope this helps put your mind at ease and also reassures you that your Newborn Portrait Session will be a beautiful success! As a mom, I know you are taking care of so much, especially after just welcoming your little one home. Let me take care of you- I love making you feel special, cared for and handling all of the details so you can enjoy your special session and love the beautiful artwork we create together! If you’d like more information about my Grapevine Newborn Photography sessions, please click here and I invite you to explore my Instagram page and my Newborn Portrait Gallery to learn more about my unique and timeless style of photography!

Grapevine Newborn Photographer

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