What to bring to your session: Photography Studio Dallas TX

As a professional in studio photography in Dallas, TX, clients often ask what they should bring to their session. Moms are used to schlepping just about any possible thing their child could, may, possibly, just-in-case need so it’s a completely valid question.  The good news is, there isn’t a whole lot you NEED to bring.  I make sure I have all the essentials here in my studio, along with a few special treats.  However, there are some items that can definitely HELP the session move along smoothly.  This journal entry provides a quick and easy checklist of the helpful items you can bring to your portrait session!

To start off, let me just clarify one thing.  Because I photograph my clients in a photography studio in Dallas, TX, this checklist is truly geared for an indoor portrait session.  If you are planning a session with an on-location photographer, your list may include different items.  However,  for my clients, these items are perfect for an indoor portrait session!

Little girl in cream dress about to stand up by photography studio Dallas TX

The “What to Bring to Your Session Checklist”!

Here is the list of what I recommend my clients pack with them prior to their session.

Checklist for what to bring to your child's portrait session by photography studio Dallas, TX

Hair Styling Tools- Brush/Comb/Bows/Styling Product

As a mom, I can count on one hand how many times my boys’ hair looks the way it did prior to leaving the house when we actually arrive at our destination.  I assure their teachers that I did brush and style their hair. But every day, by the time I drop them off at school, their hair is a complete mess!  Despite our best intentions, their silliness and playfulness will always win out.  That’s why I start the checklist with this item: Hair Styling Tools.  Bring a brush, some hair spray, extra clips and bows, etc.  So often, the session starts out great with everyone looking polished and put together.  But by the mid-way point, hair is going in directions that defy physics.  A quick touch-up and comb through can solve this instantly!

Little girl in orange dress smiling at camera

Change of Clothes

At my photography studio in Dallas, TX, I work around you and your children.  There is no set length of time for a portrait session.  I photograph your child till they are done!  That’s why it’s always a great idea to bring a separate outfit so we can have a variety of portraits from your session.  Choosing your child’s outfits can be a little stressful so if you’d prefer me to provide some help, I’d love to!  I offer complete wardrobe planning with style boards that have clickable links so you can easily purchase your favorite items.  Prior to your session, we’ll discuss your style and home aesthetic, which gives me the foundation to create perfect looks for your little one.  Packing an extra outfit is a wonderful way to create variety and truly make the most of your session time.

Comfort Toy

Especially for little children, a photography session can be a little daunting or scary.  It’s a new experience and having a special toy or stuffed animal is often the perfect way to calm and comfort your little one.  My son loved his “Wascal”, the little stuffed rabbit he had since he was born.  Whenever Wascal was around, the world was right and my little guy was nice a calm.  Plus, including this toy in the session is a wonderful way to remember this stage in your child’s life.  He won’t always need his blanket or his little puppy dog.  Portraits that include your child’s comfort toy help remind him what he loved and cherished when he was little long after he’s outgrown this stage.

Three toddlers with stuffed animals by photography studio Dallas, TX

Water Bottle/Milk or Juice

Although portrait sessions typically only last between 45mins to an hour, your children are having fun!  They’ll be dancing to music, playing along with me while I photograph them and using up some good energy.  Bringing along their favorite water bottle or a little juice box is a good way to keep the spirits up and the energy going.  I always have some organic apple juice boxes on hand for this very reason and you are more than welcome to enjoy as many as you need.  But if there’s a different drink your child would prefer, it’s always helpful to pack that too.

Baby girl smiling with drool on her chin

Coloring Book/Quiet Toys

I’ve learned the hard way….several times….that bringing a coloring book can buy a good 30 mins of time in most situations.  That’s why I always suggest parents pack a book, a quiet toy or a coloring book with some crayons as they’re preparing for their session time.  Especially for families with multiple children, there will be parts of the session when the other kids will be on the side as their sibling is being photographed.  This a great time to keep them happy and entertained with some fun reading or a little coloring.

Little girl in white dress by photography studio Dallas TX

Photography Studio Dallas, TX

I hope this checklist gives you a good idea about what bring for your child’s portrait session!  The important thing to remember is your kids will have fun.  You’ll love the portraits we capture together.  And if you remember to bring nothing from this list, we’ll still have a fantastic session!  If you are interested in learning more about how I create such authentic, genuine portraits of children, capturing their true personalities, I’d love to walk you through my process!  I also have other helpful resources for moms when it comes to preparing for you portrait session so take a look at a few of my other journal entries below.  Finally, if you’d like to ask me some questions or inquire about a session for YOUR child, let’s talk!  Fill out my contact sheet and I look forward to meeting you!

Dallas Children Photographer: The Most Important Milestones For Classic Portraits

5 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Flower Mound Photographer

Thanks so much for joining me and I hope you visit me again soon!



  1. […] What to bring to your session: Photography Studio Dallas TX […]

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