The KGP Journal

As a mom, I am always searching for inspiration and guidance as I journey on my path of motherhood.  Although I am no expert at raising children, I love learning and sharing information with you in hopes that your journey may also find a smooth and joyful path!  This journal is just that- things that inspire me, such as beautiful pictures of your kiddos and women doing incredible things, as well as helpful guidance when it comes to photography as well as raising children here in the DFW metroplex!  I hope you enjoy these entries and thank you so much for stopping by!

The Journal


Hi I’m Kim!  I’m the owner and photographer here at Kimberly Gerfin Photography.  I’m a Flower Mound newborn photographer and I am also a white studio photographer.  You’re probably asking yourself…what does that mean and why would I want that for my newborn portraits?   White studio photography eliminates all of the distracting backgrounds and props- it […]

Kimberly Gerfin Photography Studio Tour: Flower Mound Newborn Photographer

Newborns, Tips & Resources

Kimberly Gerfin Photographer sign by Flower Mound Newborn Photographer

June 30, 2023

“You’re too late!  Your baby is too old!”  As a mom of a 1 week old newborn, this was the news I received when I called a local photographer.  I never thought of getting pictures taken of my baby.  But now that my son was here and he was legitimately the cutest baby of all […]

The Best Age for Newborn Photos: Newborn Photography Dallas, TX

Newborns, Tips & Resources

Newborn baby girl sleeping by newborn photography Dallas TX

May 30, 2023

If this is your first time having newborn portraits taken of your little one, you probably have a lot of questions!  How long will the session take?  What happens during the session?  Are there special things I should bring with me?  I’m often peppered with these questions as a DFW newborn photographer!  This journal entry […]

How long is a newborn session: DFW Newborn Photographer

Newborns, Tips & Resources

newborn baby under white blanket with arms outstretched

May 23, 2023

The world of parenthood and babies is pretty foreign to most of us before our first child arrives.  Is Sophie really just a plastic giraffe?  What makes this stroller so special?  Do wipes really need to be warmed up?  And am I too late to have newborn photographs taken?  If you’re feeling a little lost […]

The Best Time To Take Newborn Photos: A New Parent Guide

Newborns, Tips & Resources

newborn baby sleeping with white blankets draped over him for best time newborn photos

April 26, 2023

I remember when my little boys were born- I wanted to hold on to each and every detail!  My oldest had the longest fingers- they were so beautiful.  And my little one had the absolute best hair.  And a full head of it too!  Newborn photos for me were an absolute must.  But as the […]

Baby Photography Dallas: Why You’ll love the First Year Collective

Babies and Milestones, Newborns

Sleeping newborn baby girl with white bow by baby photographer Dallas

April 25, 2023